Summer break 2019

We’ve taking a summer break from the Women of the Week posts. We’ll still be posting daily whenever possible on our social media channels.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

We’ve a bit of a gap in our datafiles for September and October. That was due to the time we had available back when we started in 2017, and was compounded by no time at all last year.

Our weekly blog posts involve research, checking sources, drafting, redrafting, proof-reading, sourcing images and preparing for publication. For some of them, we’ve spent a day in the local Hypatia collection using primary sources. We love writing them, but they are a bonus to the main project.

We want to use that time each week to finally fill in the gaps in our daily fact files. Given some of the gaps are very persistent, we think we may need to be using those primary sources again, and that can be very time-consuming. So we’ve decided on a summer break.

If you like our work, please don’t be shy about sharing links to it, or following us on social media. And you can also support us with a Patreon subscription. The time we spend on this is time we are not spending on paid writing so it really would make a difference.

We’re aiming to be restart the weekly blogs in the autumn term. Have a great July and August!

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