Illustrated Women fanzine for #WHM2019

Since we started compiling our database of things women achieved on this day in history, we have discovered many, many women we had not known about. Moira has written about one of them, Althea Gibson, for this year’s Illustrated Women in History Women’s History Month fanzine.

The site and zine are produced by Julie Gough, who is attempting to illustrate one women a week to learn more about women in history and celebrate their accomplishments. ‘zines, and women’s use of them to get their messages out, is something we’re big fans of so we are delighted to contribute a biog of Althea.

You can find out more about who the zine features this month over at Julie’s website, or click straight to her etsy shop to buy a copy!

We may well come back to Althea here: probably around the time the English media gets excitable about Wimbledon!

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